Enemies of the Heir, Beware is the second moment of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 8, The Deathday Party.
- Objects
- Ingredients
Zoom levels[]
This moment has 2 zoom levels.
Zoom 1[]
Two of the items in this moment are really hard to see, so the markers might be a little off. Sorry!
- First off the most important item in this moment, the Slytherin Student Hair. It can be found on top of the head of the student next to Draco.
- You can kind of see the Liquorice Wand in the moment, though very faintly. Go to the student's hair you stole lower back and move to the left. You will find it eventually.
- A bit to the left of it you'll find Droobles Best Blowing Gum.
Zoom 2[]
- Under the first torch on the left, you'll see a bag on the ground containing 5 Galleons.
- To the left of Ron, at his feet, you'll find a Cauldron Cake.
- Placing your pointer on Mrs. Norris will make her sway.
- Mousing over either torch will brighten the room.
The sound in this moment is the moaning of wind outside the castle, and whispering students.