Nearly Headless Nick's Party is the first moment of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 8, The Deathday Party.
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They turned a corner and saw Nearly Headless Nick standing at a doorway hung with black velvet drapes. ‘My dear friends,’ he said mournfully, ‘welcome, welcome ... so pleased you could come ...’ |
” |
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Zoom levels[]
This moment has 3 zoom levels.
Zoom 1[]
There is nothing of interest on Zoom 1.
Zoom 2[]
- Hover over the lady ghost on the right standing in front of the column and she will tilt her head back.
Zoom 3[]
- First is the galleon. When you move your cursor over the left side of the table cloth, it should lift up, revealing the galleon.
- Peeves is also under the table. Move your cursor over the middle of the table cloth and he should peak from underneath.
- Pretty much in between them, but sitting on the table itself, is the Jet Black Candle.
The sound in this moment is the chattering of the party guests and, at one point, ghostly music or sound effects.