The Legend of the Chamber of Secrets is the first moment of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 9, The Writing on the Wall.
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History of Magic was the dullest subject on their timetable. Professor Binns, who taught it, was their only ghost teacher, and the most exciting thing that ever happened in his classes was his entering the room through the blackboard. |
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- New from J. K. Rowling
- Objects
- Books
Zoom levels[]
This chapter has 3 zoom levels, which work in reverse: each successive level is reached by zooming out.
Zoom 1[]
- To get the new info from J.K. Rowling about "Hogwarts Ghosts", click on Professor Binns.
- Hover over the erasers to make chalk dust puff out.
Zoom 2[]
- The Sardine bean is sitting on the book to the right of Professor Binns.
- To the left is the book Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.
- In the top right corner of the classroom is the Liver and Tripe bean.
Zoom 3[]
- Underneath Professor Binns desk is a galleon.
- On Hermione's desk, you'll find a quill.
- On the desk next to hers, Dean Thomas', you'll find the homework scroll on the left side.
- Mousing over Hermione's book will flip the page.
The sound in this moment is the students coughing, yawning, and sighing.